There are plenty of suggestions in my book, "The Musician's Guide to Brides", where you'll read that press releases lead to free advertising. It's simply a bit of tantalizing information that you send off to the media. It tells them why they shouldn't pass up the opportunity to mention you in their next newspaper or magazine edition, their next podcast, radio or TV broadcast, or their website e-zine or blog.
Your press releases can round up publicity that money simply cannot by. If you're a musician or entertainer, here are 7 examples of what publicity can do for you:
1. Publicity brings you wedding business
2. Publicity can get the word out about your musical abilities
3. Publicity turns you into a music expert
4. Publicity give your clients and your potential clients a chance to know more about you.
5. Publicity for "good works" makes you look good in yur immediate community and among your musician peers.
6. Publicity gives you credentials.
7. Publicity can bring you fantastic performing opportunities that you would have never received without the media exposure.
Get started rounding up that publicity by creating press releases. My book gives you specific ideas for writing press releases to create wedding business if you are a musician. For more general instructions about press releases for musicians, you'll also find some great additional pointers from Christopher Knab's "Music is My Business Blog". In his blog, you'll read:
* When to write a press release
* What the print and broadcast media need
* Layout and essential info
* How to structure a press release
You can also pick up some great press release ideas from the Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart. Sign up for her FREE "89 Ways to Write Powerful Press Releases". Or if you want it all, here it is in one great ebook download.
Have I been married?
Sofia was my first big love. We met at 21, when we were both in the circus.
She opened me up, and taught me how to be honest. I was absolutely certain
2 days ago
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